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The Best Worst "Numetal-Core Industrial Experimental Metal Rapcore" Video You’ve Ever Seen

br00tal Comedy

The Best Worst "Numetal-Core Industrial Experimental Metal Rapcore" Video You’ve Ever Seen

That's what they're calling this genre.

Dead Cold Inside literally bills its music as "numetal-core industrial experimental metal rapcore," just so we're clear that I didn't make that up. Here's a list of my questions for the group after hearing "Not Really Living," which can only be describe as straight up brain cell genocide:

  • Why is it billed as "experimental." Is there something I'm missing?
  • Why are there two "core" suffixes in the genre?
  • Is "nu metalcore" a thing now or is "numetalcore" a thing and the band just can't spell?
  • "Metal" is in there twice too. Maybe they thought by the time the reader got to the end of the novelization of the genre, they'd forget if it was metal or not?
  • Did the guitarist recover after he had all those seizures on camera?
  • Why is he strumming something completely different than what's being played in the song?
  • Why does the singer all of a sudden try to be 1990's Les Claypool when he raps?
  • Does this band own a metronome?
  • Did they hear this when it was done?
  • Actually, did they hear it while they were recording it? Nothing seems to be in sync with each other… maybe that's the "experimental" part?
  • Ditto for the video sync.
  • Why is there random shaky footage and a solid ten seconds of the cameraperson filming a tree?
  • Is the end of this video supposed to be creepy or tough? I can't decide.

On the plus side, no matter what I hear throughout the rest of the day, I know it'll be a step up from that.

[via Lambgoat]

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