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Upcoming Releases

Behemoth are out supporting Slipknot on the Knotfest Roadshow currently, which means the bands are going to be doing a good amount of press....

Music Videos

Riffs on riffs on riffs – that's what you'll hear when you hit play on the new music video from Monte Pittman. Pittman released...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Featuring Megadeth drummer Dirk Verbeuren and Testament's Steve DiGiorgio

Full Album Stream

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a premiere of Fawn Limbs Harm Remissions.

New Music

Chunky riffs in the style of Master Of Reality, y'all.


If the genre has been known for its tendencies to be transgressive against sensibilities, then Cherubs are slowly dragging their nails across the chalkboard...


The prolific one-man doomed black metal project returns this September. Listen to an exclusive stream of the 18-minute "Cairn to God" and read an...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...


The title of Pelican's newest effort Nighttime Stories tricks the mind into expecting something soft and ethereal; something akin to a bedtime story told...


Tomb Mold has carried on their heinous sounds with barred teeth. Planetary Clairvoyance continues the band’s brand of death metal drenched in dread-laden doom.

Injection Reflection

We are deep into summer now and there is a big heat wave in the Northeast this week, so that's exciting. While we're at...

Latest News

"Our current priority is to communicate directly with our artists and their representatives."