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We ask members of Allegaeon, Baptists, Magrudergrind, Destrage, Felix Martin Trio, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Toothgrinder, The Fine Constant and more about the worst sounding album.

Latest News

50% Bolt Thrower, 50% Benediction. 100% siqq.

The Obituarist

Bands like Entombed A.D. and Wormed are the only two you MIGHT have heard of.

Black Metal History

Black metal may have been birthed within the frozen winter landscapes of Scandinavia, but it was only an eye blink of time before it...

Weekly Injection

This editions features a lot of weird shit, the return of some kings, and more! To the metals...

Injection Reflection

Plus stream the new After The Burial album, Bring Me the Horizon vs. Coldplay and more

Weekly Injection

This edition includes a triumphant comeback, a "comeback," crushing heaviness and more. To the metals…

Black Metal Chronicles

Anaal Nathrakh have been around. Though you can pin down their sound by slapping a bunch of labels on them, the truth is that...


With our play-on-words black metal celebration in full effect, it's crucial to remember there is a more important subject at hand during the month...

Weekly Injection

This week's edition lacks your bigger names in metal, but has plenty of newer and/or lesser-known bands worth of your attention. They include a...


In the eyes of the older traditionalist with a stunted view of musical growth and refusal to accept change, the Rotting Christ of today...

Upcoming Releases

Discharge about to discharge some music.

Injection Reflection

Plus new Killswitch Engage track and recommendations from Trevor of The Black Dahlia Murder


The Sunshine State has thrown out more death metal bands than this music junkie can name but Arms may be the state's first purveyors...


Strap yourself down for first track to be released from the upcoming THE BODY & FULL OF HELL collaborative album.


Seeing as how done Abbath sounded in 2009, I wasn’t sure what to expect from his eponymous debut. Given that he was the primary...

The Obituarist

This is the first batch of sick bands and releases I’ve been able to dig up in this most scarce time of the year…...

Relapse Records Podcast

2016 is off to a fast start for Relapse – it's barely January and we already have four releases under our belt! In keeping...

Tech-Death Tuesday

We explore the progressive deathly realms of A Novelist. And also highlight the 2011 underground classic, The Ubiquity Of Subjugation, by Slaughterbox.

Weekly Injection

This edition features some solo outings, an epic supergroup, Dave Mustaine's glorious head of hair and more! To the metals… Abbath – Abbath  Genre:...