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Sick Art

Amon Amarth are an epic band and an epic band requires epic album art.

Live Footage

This video is NSFW (unless you work at the Playboy mansion) but basically shows the greatest performance of Steel Panther's career at the Playboy...


Instagram is without a doubt my favorite social network. I love that it removes the clutter and just gives you mindless browsing of your...


Some of the songs in Metallica's arsenal are absolutely timeless classics that will be heard for years to come. I love when somebody takes...

Upcoming Releases

When At The Gates and The Haunted guitarist Anders Björler announced his solo project, I was definitely interested in checking it out. After all, I respect...


Before the holiday break, the godfathers of heavy metal, Led Zeppelin were bestowed a high honor with the US President Barack Obama presenting them with the...

Sick Art

A few months ago, Frank and I were invited to a private Clutch party where the band would play six new tracks from their...


We've been posting about the new documentary that the coolest motherfucker in music, Dave Grohl is directing for a while. We've seen outtakes with...


We were out in full force for the party of the season, Lamb Of God, In Flames, Hatebreed and Sylosis rolled into town last...


Friday seems like the perfect day to hear a new Neurosis track. Plenty of time to kick back, grind up the ganj, and take...

Latest News

UPDATE: The video has been released and can be seen here. Can Down just wear these outfits all the time? MetalSucks got their hands...

Latest News

I love Amazon.com's monthly $5 digital album sales, and this month they went above and beyond. You can get Pantera's greatest hits, the first two...

Sick Art

It's rare that I see album art that blows me away anymore. I remember when I was first getting into metal, and really music...


While I spent last Friday completely engulfed in work and metal shenanigans for our upcoming Mayhem Fest coverage, there was a much larger non-metal...


I really dig Nachtmystium's new opus, Silencing Machine, and it continues the band's streak of exceptional albums. You can now stream the album in...

Metal Merch

Pre-order packages are insane nowadays. Take for example this killer BTBAM package for their upcoming release, The Parallax II: Future Sequence. It comes with...

Around the Interwebs

Are we slowly becoming a blog about metal cakes? We've posted about not just one, but two different Immortal cakes, a Slayer cake, a...

Injection Reflection

What a busy week in heavy metal this has between. Between all the new music this week, the crazy Black Sabbath news, and all...

Latest News

I can't believe the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise is only like two weeks away. In the last few weeks, a few awesome bands...

Latest News

What a great photo from night two of Metallica's 30th Anniversary celebration. Night 1 saw them bring out former bassist Jason Newsted, and I...


So far, tracks off Blotted Science's fantastic new EP, The Animation Of Entomology have synced up with clips from King Kong and Slither, and now,...


First, we saw the amazing album art, and now this video teaser has me convinced that the new track from Rammstein is going to...


Turbid North our just one of the bands playing the 2nd annual MetalSucks/Metal Injection/1000KNIVES CMJ show one week from Friday at Club Europa, and...