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Upcoming Releases

On to mixing and mastering, it seems.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes weird shit, divisive albums, lots of feedback, stuff my cat dislikes, and more! To the metals...


In a very special episode of the show, Rob talks to The Nobodies (Ariel Italic, Lady Bearica Andrews and DJ Accident Report). They have...


So, what's the deal with Norway and metal anyway? How does a country with a total population equalling that of Los Angeles produce so...

This Is Just A Tribute

While The Cranberries were certainly not a metal band, they were absolutely an aggressive rock band with a very powerful frontwoman at the helm....


Skeletonwitch frontman Adam Clemans steps into the pit, and Adam and I spend a good chunk of the show going through all of the...


Welcome back to Throwback Thursday. This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years...

Metal Crimes

The band might still be charged in the future.

Upcoming Releases

Gonna rock the Earth again.

Celebrity Metalheads

Glenn Howerton is cool with us.

Best of 2017

Welcome to the year-end edition of your fave column on all things True, Norwegian, and Black Metal. If you've come looking for a giant,...

br00tal Comedy

Looks like SlayerBob has some competition. For years, Bob has been producing pretty awesome Christmas light shows, but his place atop the Christmas lightshow...

Best of 2017

2017 may be remembered as the final curtain for true founders of heavy metal in Black Sabbath, but that's not to say that it...

Best of 2017

I continue to feel very fortunate to have a place at Metal Injection and other media outlets to share what I believe to be...


Atmospheric Blackened Doom esoterica certainly makes for a challenging listen, but also a fascinating one.