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New Music

New Between the Buried and Me sounds heavy!

Best of 2017

Hey Freaks!  Here is a whopper of a year end list to get you googling while I finish up the return of The Obituarist. ...

Latest News

"Why don't you focus more on the music? Why don't you write about the music? You don't talk about Dark Funeral's wieners."


"One of the things that drives me nuts about [the latest Florida shooting] is everything failed. The FBI failed, and there was a police...


"The lunatic shooter in Florida is 19 years old & can’t buy a six pack of beer by law because our society doesn’t believe...

Shocking Revelations

Manson just spouted jibberish and left because he said the crowd didn't love him.

Weekly Injection

This edition features quite a bit of epicness, some rage, a softer side of the king, and more! To the metals...

Song Premiere

Pulling off a listenable mixture of death metal and grind is not an easy task. Some bands can do it very well, take Vermin Womb...

Upcoming Releases

Taylor is currently writing music for three songs on the new Slipknot album.

RIP a Livecast

There is so much Phil Anselmo on this episode and it's hilarious. We were given nearly 20 minutes of banter from Phil's Superjoint Ritual...

Song Premiere

By now, you should be well aware of our corpse-painted correspondant, The Necrosexual, who we've called on time and time again. Through out his...

New Music

For an 18 minute song, Fu Manchu knows how to keep it interesting.

RIP a Livecast

Rob and Noa are still recovering from this past weekend's trip on the 70,000 Tons of Metal Cruise and they spent the first hour sharing...


In death metal, some prefixes just make sense. Take, for example, the prefix of 'cavernous'. The word itself speaks volumes. Written on its own,...


Coma Noir: a stunning example of musical growth, marked progression and fine wine maturity.


We ask members of Machine Head, Code Orange, Toothgrinder, The Black Dahlia Murder, Act Of Defiance, and Fit For An Autopsy about a band...

Song Premiere

The newly-minted death metal trio features members of Skeletonwitch, Gatecreeper, and Boson.


I have a huge guest on this edition of Squared Circle Pit, Eric Bischoff – the guy who ran the show in WCW during...

New Music

It's like if Refused decided to take things up a notch and toss some blasts in there.

RIP a Livecast

This episode kicks off with a discussion about the recent Shrimp Off. Rob talks about his trip to Anaheim and meeting some Livecast die-hards....