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Music Videos

From the game where you had to bang your head a bunch.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include album of the year contenders, battling power metal bands, a Simpsons reference for no reason, and more!...


Cold Black River are laying out the stoner riffs - but they often seem to be lacking direction.

Music Videos

Sweden's S.O.R.M is here with a catchy new single and killer new video. Inspired by the aesthetics of the 80s heavy metal scene with...


When we look back through the history of our great binder heavy metal, there are names that stand out. Ask a novice on the...


This band sounds like Uncle Acid and Thin Lizzy had a kid. What's more to ask?


In every possible way, Terraformer is a benchmark effort for Thank You Scientist.

Live Footage

Anthrax released their album State of Euphoria in 1988, which contained the track "Now It's Dark". Anthrax hasn't played the song live pretty much...

Music Videos

Sweden's VAK are about to drop their sophomore album, Loud Wind, on August 23rd via Indie Recordings and it's an album you should be...


Coheed & Cambria's and Mastodon's co-headlining tour stormed through Brooklyn this past weekend and the two bands brought prog awesomeness to Coney Island, Brooklyn....

Latest News

Fred gets deep.

Upcoming Releases

Fomer guitarist Tripp Essen, who was once kicked out of the band for having been arrested after having sex with two underage girls, also...

Metal Crimes

Till was standing up for his lady.

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off talking about former Five Finger Death Punch drummer Jeremy Spencer's new gig as a reserve police officer. We played a...