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Search results for "Was"


Polyphia return to the dark side at last...

Upcoming Releases

What could the surprise possibly be? Could they have gotten Vince Neil-replacement John Corabi back for a song? Probably not.

Bummer Alert

Bill's last words before being stretchered out were "You f***ers should have caught me."

Shocking Revelations

"It just felt kind of weird walking around like a 45-year-old Hot Topic kid."

Injection Reflection

It was a wild week for crazy stories. Iron Sheik somehow brokered peace, Kid Rock was back at the White House – just a wild...

Black Friday

Read an interview with the improvisational project's mastermind, Ephemeral Domignostika as well!


Nobody wanted to close this festival.

It's Just Business

Earache Records is an indie record label founded by Digby Pearson in the late 80s. They signed a lot of very important bands and...

New Music

It almost sounds like Labonte is doing an Ivan Moody impression

Weekly Injection

This edition features lots of collaborations, a three year album gap, a four year album gap, a five year album gap, and more! To...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Every Thursday, Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. Culled from the week’s past shows, these...

Tour Dates

The original Woodstock in 1969 is remembered as an amazing moment for the decade – Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Jefferson Airplane, Santana, The Grateful...

Full Album Stream

The Arkansas doom/sludge force finally returns with one of the best albums of 2018.

Bands and Booze

The beer is 4.07% ABV and was brewed with jalapeños and fresh citrus peels.

Full Album Stream

The best records are ones that take the listener on a journey. Through lush soundscapes, evocative sonic textures and plenty of head-bobbing groove, Rochester's King...


Post Metal, doom and apocalyptic realities all come together on the monumental new effort from the long dormant A Storm Of Light.