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Search results for "string"

Gear Gods

A big criticism of "djent" is that it's all just one open chord (am I saying that right?!) Miguel Yépez doesn't see this as...

Upcoming Releases

Åkerfeldt says there will be natural strings and one song is a total rip off of Goblin.

Gear Gods

Felix Martin has been an underground guitar sensation for a little while now, so it's cool to see he'll finally get the recognition as...

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When you think of seven string guitar gods, what's the first name that pops into your mind? Fredrik Thordendal of Meshuggah? Tosin Abasi of...


Prosthetic Records seems to be leading this recent instru-metal movement with bands like Animals As Leaders and Scale The Summit. Now, they have added...

Tour Dates

Remember last year when Kurt Ballou teased us saying that Old Man Gloom was recording a new record? Then, turns out they weren't. Then,...


I'll be real good, I promise! I have a stable job and a side-gig as a DJ for the metal station at SiriusXM. I'm...

Tour Dates

This is pretty awesome. Right before opening on As I Lay Dying's upcoming tour, Sylosis want more facetime in the US, so they have...

Tour Dates

I cannot express how excited I am to see a Brooklyn date for SLEEP, the legendary doom band that holds in it's ranks Matt...

Ask Me...I'm Right

Hello again to all those who need advice. I've been gone for awhile but I'm back to irritate you once more with "Ask Me...


"This album isn't one for genre purists, but lovers of pure expression created by people with a deep understanding of multiple types of music."

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"I think, maybe Black Sabbath was downtuning some songs, but I'd never heard them before."

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"He did the part, and I was like, ‘Whew! I’ll play on the next part.’”


From Kyuss and Slayer, to Dream Theater and Pantera.

Metal Merch

Sold by Schuldiner's nephew Chris Steele.


"These guys have a unique vision for the genre and should be in the limelight for anyone looking for bands doing the genre right."

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“I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for Master of Puppets.”


"Isenordal points back to a time during the mid-'90s when fringe artists weren't operating under any assumptions of what they needed to sound like."