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Search results for "norma"


Hellfest is love. Hellfest is life.


Treehouse depicts the band's departure from metal or electronicore roots and rather welcomes the fusion of EDM with hardcore and alternative...


The integration between progressive and deathcore/death metal has been fusing for the past few years and it seems the latest emerging bands are finding...

Tour Dates

POD, Trapt, Puddle of Mudd, Saliva, Drowning Pool, Crazy Town, Alien Ant Farm to name a few…

Upcoming Releases

I'm all for the Bizkit, but... why did Durst choose this clip?

Tech-Death Tuesday

In today's Tech-Death Tuesday, we divert from the recent multi-month long early stream focus and delve into two 2016 lesser known gems that deserve...

Latest News

Cannibal Corpse, Cryptopsy, Hatebreed, and a whole bunch more.

Bummer Alert

At The Drive In's reunion isn't going so well.


Yes, we're actually advocating that you don't shower.


At this point in music history, the Frenchmen of Gojira have cemented themselves as one of the paramount metal bands of this generation. Though the band's...

Latest News

This past Friday, singer Christina Grimmie, who rose to prominence via Youtube videos and then exploded when she appeared on the Voice, was shot...


Brian Tatler of Diamond Head fame is something of a living legend - despite his metal god status though, he was unwilling to talk...

Latest News

2016 seems to be the year where Kurt Ballou has his hands in everything.


It's happening! Unless it isn't happening, which is always possible with Behemoth.

Metal In The Mainstream

The easy joke to make is that you'd have to be deaf to actually enjoy the song, but we'll avoid making it. (Wait, did...


Are you pumped for more Number Twelve?