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Search results for "relapse"

Free Swag

Seeing as though Metal Injection is sponsoring Toxic Holocaust's awesome tour that's going on right now, we decided to team up with the band...


Did you hear? Riff worshippers RWAKE are going to be releasing a new album, titled Rest, on Sept. 27 on Relapse Records. Rwake make...


Wow, it feels like it's been a long week… but we even had Monday off, so what am I complaining about? Either way, let's...

Latest News

Spawn of Possession is one band I feel not enough people talk about. They are supreme Swedish technical death metal that influenced many bands...


Path of Totality isn't the album I was expecting from Tombs; this is a good thing.  The band enlisted John Congleton (Baroness, Explosions in...


I had already been convinced that Revocation are great when listening to their 2009 release, Existence Is Futile on repeat for most of that year....

Latest News

It's Thursday, which is apparently the new Friday, which must be the reason we have all these awesome new tunes at our disposal from...


Discounting the formative, retrospectively uncharacteristic Retribution – well received at the time but juvenilia in hindsight – Obscura launched themselves to the forefront of...

Guessing Game

We took a little break from the Guessing Game, but it's back right in time for the weekend. Let's first take a look back...


For today's audio roundup, we have a buffet of differently styled metal for your approval. We have something for fans of grind, death, core...


I was away from the computer for a few days and all this awesome new music pops up! So, if ever there was a...


The weekend is upon us, and here are some new tunes to get us through until the clock strikes 6! Children of Bodom really...


Lots of new music to get you starting the week right today, so let's get to it: Times of Grace, the new group featuring...

Upcoming Releases

If you watched the most recent edition of the FiX, you would know that Obscura's upcoming Omnivium release, is one of my most anticipated...

Best of 2010

As the year is comes to a close, we will be taking you through the Best of 2010. Over the next couple of days,...


by: Robert Pasbani Late last week, Magrudergrind announced they are releasing a new EP, Grind Crusher for absolutely nothing, ZERO! They were able to...

Upcoming Releases

Well, 2011 is definitely shaping up to be a very epic year for metal releases. Origin have just announced signing a worldwide deal with...

Upcoming Releases

It looks like 2011 is going to be an amazing year for metal. Relapse recently sent out a press release announcing Obscura have completed...


All week long, we have been doing a lot of drinking and using CMJ as our excuse. The party keeps going through the weekend,...


by: Frank Godla You ever go on a kick where you listen to the same record again and again with out stopping till your...

Free Swag

Cephalic Carnage are so pumped to be releasing Misled By Certainty (streamable here) tomorrow they are in the giving mood. Really giving! One lucky...

Tour Dates

Two bands we are very excited about are touring together. You may remember Iron Thrones as the band we've covered as the winners of...

Marketing Genius

Seth Putnam, frontman of Anal Cunt, the most influential act of this or any generation, wants to record a song for you. The Deciblog...