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Upcoming Releases

Chthonic have a pretty great marketing plan in place. To get people to check out their new music, they're offering as a pre-order bonus...

Bummer Alert

Alas, the Mayhem Cruise is no more! Everybody, from the bands to industry people I've talked to, to fans, were super pumped to attend...


Goes Cube a three piece rock band based out of Brooklyn, New York have just recently released an EP entitled "What Ruckus" through The...

Video Games

Knut Erik Overjord runs a one-man independent game company in Norway, and he just released what he calls "the first black metal video game"...

Bummer Alert

We were worried this was going to happen when Randy Blythe's bail was challenged yesterday and now the shoe has dropped officially, representatives from...

Fuck Yes!

CLICK HERE to watch the stream of The METAL MASTERS The last time the Metal Masters got together it was the night after the...

Tour Dates

We got a bit excited about a new summer festival trying to establish itself, the Shockwave Festival. It was to feature Fear Factory and...


Holy moly, do we have a MASSIVE A/V Roundup for you today. We've got live clips from Gojira, Obscura, and the Profound Lore Records...


It's here! Your first full taste of what's in store from Periphery's sophmore album, Periphery II. You can stream "Make Total Destroy" above. I'm...


If you really want to purchase the guitar tab book, FINE, you can get it here. [via Cattle Decap's Facebook]

It's Just Business

A lawsuit filed last month,by the Central American publishing company who owns the licensing rights for All Shall Perish's music, will move forward despite objections...


Dopesmoker was never gonna fly; not as an album title, not on a major label. It was actually the least of the band's worries....

Sick Art

I got into the artwork of Jacob Bannon much sooner than I did Converge's music. In fact, seeing his amazing t-shirt designs is what...

Latest News

Red Fang apparently like art, and as professional musicians it's not hard to see why. Red Fang have recently announced they are playing a...


The Acacia Strain were teasing there would be new music coming, and liars they are not. The band just released the track "Servant In...


Whoa! This is a pretty exciting time for Pantera fans. Last week, we heard the never-before released outtake from the Vulgar Display of Power sessions,...

Tour Dates

Some people apparently just can't deal with Satan, as the owners of The Brewmaster's Gate in Columbus, Ohio banned Behemoth, Watain, The Devil's Blood,...

Tour Dates

We are so fucking excited to bring to you the announcement of our first official involvement in South By South West, by way of...

Tour Dates

When Nergal said Behemoth would be playing "the most satanic tour that's going to invade the U.S in a long time", I became instantly...


Why You Do This is a new documentary created by Car_Bomb vocalist Michael Dafferner. It showcases his band's struggle with trying to earn a living by touring...


Many of death metal's greatest moments are martial in nature. From Bolt Thrower's crushing cannonades to Amon Amarth's victorious marches, metal and war are...


Oh, what a day! Head over to our brosephs over at MetalSucks to hear the first single off Lamb Of God's forthcoming album, Resolution,...

It's Just Business

Here's a bright story to end the week on. Everybody loathes going to Ticketmaster and paying ridiculous convience fees that come sometimes equal 50%...