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New Music

They don't derive too far from the original, but why mess with a classic?

Upcoming Releases

"New management, new line up, new label, new record, new Exhorder!"


Just when you think they’ve gone as far as they can go, Sigh deliver an album that defies all expectations.

New Music

The Spanish blackened death band Altarage are back from the crypts, from which they seem to brew their brand of visceral, and unsettling ambiance with a...

RIP a Livecast

It's the eve of Thanksgiving eve and on this episode we have the vocalist of Anal Trump, Rob Trump. Rob talks about the project's...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...

Upcoming Releases

What does this not-Slipknot album sound like?!

Music Videos

Alice Cooper guitarist Nita Strauss has had a busy week – her new album, Controlled Chaos was released, her song "Mariana Trench" was the...

New Music

KING 810 Are Back And Heavier Than Ever!

The Monday Grind

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let's grind it out with No/Más Raíz Del Mal.


When I saw the announcement for a Silent Planet and Stray from the Path co-headlining tour, I was firstly fascinated by the stylistic diversity,...

Black Friday

The Québécois group is releasing their second album later this month. Listen to a new track from the album and read an in-depth interview...

Injection Reflection

This week was owned by the massive drama from THREATIN. Hopefully, we can move on this week. Here's what you missed this week: LA...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Derwolf, who had the best zinger: 'Did I leave the oven on?' Now for this week's...

Latest News

At first listen, Azusa might seem a bit of an anomaly, but after diving deeper into the weird, discordant, beautiful and harmonious sounds of...