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Search results for "Hands"


With a four-year gap between records, two lineup changes and an entire rerecording, it was fair for anticipation of Skyharbor's long-awaited third album to...

Gear Gods

A while back our friend Trey Xavier of Gear Gods performed an experiment to see if an acoustic guitar can shred underwater and he's...

Weekly Injection

This edition features some long-waited returns, some album of the year contenders, some supergroups, and more! To the metals...

New Music

Oblivion brings the crushing tech once more.

Upcoming Releases

It'll be packed with harmonies, and likely be amazing.

It's Just Business

"It's kind of hard to invest that time and effort into something that's going to be given away."

Metal Merch

It has been eight years since the world reluctantly said goodbye to Ronnie James Dio after he lost his valiant battle with cancer in...

New Music

Norway's Attan has been on my radar for a few years now, with their penchant for drawing in every mood imaginable in a realm...


Each piece on Science Fiction is adequately appealing (to varying degrees), yet the overarching experience feels too repetitious, familiar, and uninspired by the end.

Show Recap

images and words by Stefan Raduta Ever asked yourself what makes a festival truly extraordinary and memorable? Ever asked yourself exactly what that special...


Earlier this week, while Donald Trump learned Michael Cohen had taped their conversations, someone took justice into their own hands and decided to utterly annihilate...


The most essential 16 live albums.

RIP a Livecast

It's Sid's birthday this week, so Rob and Noa celebrate by smoking. We talk about various water bug-related incidents. We also share some fun...


Errorzone is a rare kind of debut.


12 different writers, 12 very different lists.


Talk about airing out your dirty laundry

Live Footage

What an amazing performance where they really made the song their own.


Impending Doom is about to release their sixth studio album The Sin and Doom Vol. II. The Christian Deathcore band from Southern California has...