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“I heard you on the internet, you are not as good live, perhaps you should practice?”

Earnings & Attendance

Who drew more people to their shows: Korn, Judas Priest or Mastodon? The answer may surprise you…

It's Just Business

"People don’t really care anymore about sound quality."


Scotland's Falloch was last on the scene as a duo, since then vocalist/guitarist/tin whistle-ist Andy Marshall left the band opting instead for the much...

Tour Dates

We're about getting ready to head out to the NAMM convention to help our sister site GearGods.net with their non-stop coverage of the event. Anybody...


For Einherjer, one of the elder statesmen in the post-Bathory world, the rising and falling of trends is of little concern. The answer for...


Arch Stanton may not be worthy of in-depth discussions and deconstructions by music magazine editors and transcribers, but it’s full of heart, soul and...

Tour Dates

Very rarely is there a bill where I want to see every band on the lineup and this totally fits the bill.

Upcoming Releases

Members of Slipknot, Lamb of God and Foo Fighters all set to make an appearance on the album.

Bands and Booze

Would you drink it?

It's Just Business

You'll never believe how much they charge.

Trend Watch

It's just as ridiculous as it sounds!

It's Just Business

FINALLY! The FIRST metal fragrance for men!

Metal Merch

The perfect Christmas gift for a loved one!

Music Videos

Battlecross take some inspiration from They Live for this Roy Warner-directed music video.

Earnings & Attendance

Would you believe us if we told you Limp Bizkit outsold Mastodon at the same venue?

It's Just Business

Don't think this is some get rich quick scheme, at least not for you. For the band, it's another revenue stream.


Not sure if anyone was more astonished than I when Carcass unveiled the masterpiece that is Surgical Steel last year. I am admittedly a...


In existence since the mid-nineties, Dawnbringer released three gritty, punk-cum-early NWOBHM inspired albums before catching a lot more attention and acclaim with 2010's Nucleus...

br00tal Comedy

There are so many Scandanavian bands that are grim and kvlt that Finnish cough drop company Zyx figured they may as well cater to...

Tour Dates

You better make plans to see At the Gates in 2015!