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Search results for "DRUMMER"


Above you will see the new WINDS OF PLAGUE video, Anthems of Apocalypse. Who needs narrative in a video when you can just use...


Shouldn't these guys have exhausted their formula by now? CATTLE DECAPITATION's grindcore/death metal format doesn't leave much room for growth, and they're still drilling...

Revelations of Doom

Welcome to the latest installment of Revelations of Doom; I’m Grim Kim (or Kim Kelly, if you prefer), and I’ll be your guide to...

Go See This Fucking Band

What you see above is the Dillinger Escape Plan playing a cover of Nine Inch Nails' "Wish" which was the last song of an...

Upcoming Releases

This year's release schedule is coming together very nicely. According to their website, Sweden's post-metal leaders Cult of Luna are releasing a feature DVD...

Latest News

For those of you who never understood why America's forthcoming holiday revolves around groundhogs (and doesn't even give us a day off,) your prayers...


NAMM serves three puropses in my mind: to check out the cool new gear, to get drunk and to see musicians shred. We went...

Monday Wake Up Call

Sorry for being a little late with this week's Monday Wake Up Call. My day job actually gave me work to do (you didn't...

Fuck Yes!

YES! YES!! YES!!! Just in time to bring some chaos into 2009, my favorite live act, THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN have announced a handful...

Latest News

Just getting back in the work groove? Then what the hell are you doing slacking off over here?? Ok, we won't judge. But, in...

Latest News

Headbangers Blog recently had a chance to speak with the only remaining original member of SEPULTURA , Andreas Kisser. The band is set to...

Go See This Fucking Band

Suicidal Tendencies have gone through as many lineup and stylistic changes as anything this side of the James Bond series, but 25 years after...

Latest News

We just got 3 new clips from the fine people at Roadrunner of the highly anticipated Roadrunner United DVD that comes out this Tuesday....


A few summers ago, the Giraffes' self-titled breakthrough established them as one of the best new hard rock bands since Queens of the Stone...


15 years after their last studio release, a famously elusive metal metal band with an enormously influential debut has followed up. That's right, boys...

Upcoming Releases

GOD FOBID's new record, Earthsblood doesn't come out until February, but we got our hands on some exclusive audio samples from the record. Check...

Fuck Yes!

Other than the release of their Walk with Me in Hell DVD and Randy Blythe's appearance on the new Gojira CD, it's been a...

Weekly Video Recap

November already? What a bummer. At least tonight is daylight savings, which means one hour extra sleep (unless you go to sleep an hour...

Upcoming Releases

It doesn't look like they'll have it out in time to grace our 2008 top ten lists, but Mastodon have chosen Crack the Skye...

Latest News

Above you can hear in its entirety, a fresh new track from DAATH called "Sharpen the Blades" and it really shows the progression in...

Revelations of Doom

It’s that time again! Grim Kim is back with yet another underground gem that, thanks to a high-profile spot on the almighty Watain’s first...

Latest News

Progressive metal's best Italian trio, the bizarre, jazz heavy, avant-garde experimentalists in EPHEL DUATH , have revealed a release date for their forthcoming followup...

In the News

Impressed by Slipknot's use of three drums in their metal onslaught? Although they are by no-means "metal", Japan's long-running, highly influential institutional noise rockers...