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Fuck Yes!

"One time we got mistaken for the Golden Girls, so we decided to lean into it."

Full Album Stream

Take a seat, lay down, or better yet, lay in a hole. Liverpool's Coltsblood and Seattle's Un have teamed up for a brand new split filled...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Music Videos

A tribute to Tom Petty and Floridian hurricane victims.

New Music

"...tips the scale between bands like Mgla and Gojira"

Upcoming Releases

"It just didn't really come together as quickly as we wanted it to."


The boys are back in town!

The Monday Grind

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let's grind it out with Depraver's Suffering in the Coffin.

Metal In The Mainstream

Much like Jeff Hanneman before Paul, the GRAMMY world ignored the loss of one of heavy metal's biggest icons.

New Music

Also featuring appearances from members of Voivod, Mastodon, Faith No More and Nuclear Assault.

Fuck Yes!

The most eclectic nominee list in a while


Dark, mysterious, unchained and untamed this is forward thinking and fascinating avant garde black metal to torment your soul.

Black Friday

The band's founder, Sakis Tolis, speaks to Black Friday in a candid interview.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes bleakness, epicness, stuff that made my cat bored, and more! To the metals...