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Search results for "hook"


I'm going to be straight up, right off the bat. This album will absolutely be hitting my top albums of the year list come...


Spiraling and crazed death metal from Amarillo, The Abolishment Of Flesh's debut proves they aren't messing around.


How a national opioid crisis and broken heart shaped Greyhaven's Empty Black


Sonder is a superb record that TesseracT can take much pride in

New Music

Another mid-tempo earworm from A Perfect Circle.

Music Videos

Featuring a cat mask and lots of cat jokes.

New Music

Things shall be entirely more sluggish... or fast. Or both!

Upcoming Releases

"It's not an acoustic record. It's mellow, dark music, basically is what it is."

Injection Reflection

It's WrestleMania weekend, make sure to take a listen to the WrestleMania preview episode of our podcast. I'm gonna be watching a lot of...


It’s probably easy to assume that all the classic heavy metal groups in history started off with inspired records, but looking back, that’s not...


Welcome back to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years...

Music Videos

French tech-deth band, THE DALI THUNDERING CONCEPT, has me all kinds of hooked! From their infectious grooves, to their mesmerizing video, the band is...

Kids In Metal

Let the kids have their Slayer.

Injection Reflection

We've already made it to Daylight Savings Time! That means one extra hour of sunlight and spring is just around the corner. That has...

Tour Dates

When Slayer announced their upcoming tour would be their last tour ever,  there was unprecedented demand for tickets. For example. the Dallas stop of...

The Obituarist

Hello freaks and geeks. It is I, The Obituarist; your favorite rain man hunter of all things underground! After a long and once indefinite...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Infraction’s Posthumous Release.