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Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to nyckelly3, who had the best zinger: "Looks like someone just woke up from a napster." Now...

Upcoming Releases

It features a guest solo from Opeth's Fredrik Ă…kesson!

Tour Dates

With Buzzoven on some dates! Filthy!

Shocking Revelations

Manson just spouted jibberish and left because he said the crowd didn't love him.

Throwback Thursday

Welcome back to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years...

Song Premiere

Pulling off a listenable mixture of death metal and grind is not an easy task. Some bands can do it very well, take Vermin Womb...


Monochromatic black metal that will make you run to the hills. Dig in!


The band’s newest record, Arson, continues the tradition of exuding streaks of heartbreaking feeling. Across the record’s eight songs, there comes a constant flow...


"Better Alone" is the name of the playlist.


The iconic frontman updates fans on the new Soulfly record, second leg of the Nailbomb tour, and the growing family business of heavy fucking...

RIP a Livecast

There is so much Phil Anselmo on this episode and it's hilarious. We were given nearly 20 minutes of banter from Phil's Superjoint Ritual...

Fuck Yes!

Warbeast vocalist Bruce Corbitt was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in April 2017 and gracefully bowed out of the band to focus on battling the...

Latest News

Legendary Judas Priest guitarist Glenn Tipton has announced he is stepping down from active touring with Judas Priest after a diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease.


The happy couple have been dating since the holidays.

Bummer Alert

"I don’t rule out the chance to go on stage as and when I feel able to blast out some Priest! So at some...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Michael Schwartz, who had the best zinger: "SUN?NO)))))))))))))))" Now for this week's fun photo to caption…...


FFO: Periphery, After the Burial, Shokran...

Music Videos

Bollywood meets heavy metal, and it rocks!

Shocking Revelations

Michael Keene opens up for the first time about his problems.