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As the Norsemen crossed the North Sea, they dreamt of a time when they would conquer their entire realm in an effort to please...

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We are entering a very sad age in the world of heavy metal, the middle-ages of metal if you will. All the legendary musicians...

Upcoming Releases

Fleshgod Apocalypse plan on releasing another sonic assault on us all come the next few months. Are you ready for that kind of orchestral madness?

The FiX

On this episode of The FIX Revocation vocalist/shredder Dave Davidson talks about his 5 favorite guitar players and presents a video from each including...


What do Serj Tankian of System of a Down, Ihsahn and Devin Townsend, with some music from Ray Holroyd sound like when they collaborate?...


Pedigree doesn't grow on trees: three members of new LA quartet Palms cut their teeth in the now-splintered Isis, with the fourth being none other than Deftones frontman Chino...


The adjective "eldritch" has been getting thrown around a lot lately in the metal community, particularly on Facebook and Twitter status updates, so much...

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Kinda almost died not too long ago. I was changing a string on my bass, and the thing snapped and swung at my throat....


Return To Annihilation is Locrian's most accessible album, although "accessible" is a subjective word. Considering how challenging much of the Chicago trio's back catalog...


D.R.I. hasn't reared their heads on record since 1995's Full Speed Ahead, a duration which vastly exceeds the length of the band's recorded history to...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Metal Injection takes you inside Belle Isle for the 2013 Orion Music and More festival presented by Metallica. See exclusive comments from The Dillinger...

Around the Interwebs

As you know, this Sunday, June 16th is Father's Day. I'll take a beat here while many of you go, "oh fuck! it is!?!"...


Coffins are back after five years worth of waiting! You'd know that if you checked out our announcement a month ago, but I forgive...


Children of Bodom have never taken themselves all that seriously. For a band that is probably known to more random Youtubers for their novelty cover...

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Adult Swim are like the Scion A/V-lite of metal. They're not all about releasing a few fucktons of metal every year, but they'll get...


In the last few years Jørgen Munkeby has become a much sought after saxophonist in the metal world. He has worked with Enslaved, Ihsahn, and...


Holy hell, you guys! The metal gods heard my complaining last week. I made the mistake of bitching about not enough notable releases, and...


A certain amount of fanfare trumpets the return of the regal beast that is Black Sabbath: neither a comically castrating reality show nor endless amounts...


Topping their 2011 record Bilateral was going to be simply impossible; Leprous achieved something with that one. Instead, the band took a much different,...


Be'lakor's Of Breath and Bone takes a little while to grow on you. On the first few listens, it's difficult to really grasp what...


Mouth of the Architect are sticking to their guns on Dawning with some seriously quality post-metal that presents itself naturally and without any bells...

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Tom G. Warrior (Hellhammer, Celtic Frost) is seems pretty stoked about the new Triptykon record. Too bad we'll have to wait until 2014 to...


For a variety of reasons, The Black Dahlia Murder was once a pariah to many self-styled "true metalheads", who tied them to the metalcore...