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Black Cobra are one of the fiercest bands in metal today and their new record sees them taking a unique sound to exciting new...


Deftones throwing some friendly jabs.

Metal Crimes

Spoiler: The KKK fight dirty and have shivs.


Last night, Iron Maiden kicked off their Book of Souls world tour and to celebrate they have released this video, which serves as the...

Metal In The Mainstream

Nice to get some recognition from the Wall Street Journal.


Eight Bells are reshaping what heavy music can be with their latest record. Can you handle the raw beauty of it?

Music Videos

The Black Dahlia Murder teamed up with animator Adam Avilla for this incredible new music video for  "Threat Level No. 3" off their latest album, Abysmal. Catch...


Sacrilege isn’t a name that gets thrown around much by either today’s whippersnappers or the late 30s/early 40s set determined to let everyone know...


Sarcofago invite you to examine their history with twenty tracks of hard to obtain demos and their first new unreleased material in years!

Best of 2015

Read on for Jeremy's top picks of 2015


Yea, it's not metal but just shut up for a second and enjoy.

Shocking Revelations

Buckley revealed in a Facebook post last night that his wife had a life-threatening complication while seven months pregnant, forcing doctors to prematurely deliver...

Latest News

Not a covers EP either! Whole lot of new material.

Latest News

Have yourself a Mongolian folk metal Christmas with Tengger Cavalry!


Slayer, Anthrax, Danzig, Slipknot, Judas Priest and so many more on TV!

Latest News

Back in 2012, Vest Metal was the bee's knees, but few of us ever thought that it would break into a full-on movement. Yet,...


It’s easy to imagine Zombi being swallowed by the very sea of artists they helped inspire, but these two guys have several advantages that...

Metal Crimes

The big story yesterday was the alleged assault by Danzig to an amateur photographer Neil Dalton. Initially, Dalton posted a statement saying that he...


The orchestral element is vital in So Hideous' aesthetic, a trait of true unique distinction. For any doubters or naysayers, the inclusion of an...