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Search results for "though"

Upcoming Releases

"We're gonna have a new album out by April — possibly, hopefully."


Never Forever comes at you hard with stunning melodies and a bottom end that just won't quit.

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"The reality is that it won't even surface probably till later next year."


Grab your dice and get ready, it's going to be a wild ride!


"This is the most 'mainstream' we'll ever get and @VirginTrains has compared us to; traffic, a flat tire and being arrested."


Shakespearean allusions, catchy melodies, and seamless dynamic shifts make this an incredible progressive metal effort.


Infamata is going to guide you forward time and time again, through black metal masterpieces that can't help but to make you wonder about the...

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...

New Music

Well, the new stuff continues to be amazing.

New Music

This song is really, really good... and heavy!

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"So, PLEASE take a breath, count to 10 and THINK before you start stigmatising, accusing and judging them publicly for something they may not...


An exclusive excerpt from the new coffee table book, Hellraisers: A Complete Visual History of Heavy Metal Mayhem


Despite several considerable high points, Myrkur's sophomore record is a frustratingly inconsistent affair that fails to showcase its creator's considerable talents. Still, the potential...


Although Clairvoyant is a bit less diverse and flamboyant than its predecessors (hell, even the cover is appropriately black and white), it’s probably the...

Metal In The Mainstream

Yet you can still find bands like Cannibal Corpse and Cattle Decapitation on Spotify.

New Music

The album is all about the 1755 Lisbon earthquake.

Song Premiere

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. As promised, this week's edition begins 4 straight weeks of exclusive premieres in this...


Chase Mason is a smart dude - picking the brains of one of the most important new figures in death metal was our pleasure.