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Here's a video that a few bands were passing around Facebook recently, a video which cites bands like The Faceless and Veil of Maya...


Sophomore slump has plagued countless bands, regardless of the genre. It’s always difficult to follow up an album that could have taken any number...


It's here! Your first full taste of what's in store from Periphery's sophmore album, Periphery II. You can stream "Make Total Destroy" above. I'm...


Here it is, the first teaser or Periphery's sophomore release, Periphery II, which is set for release on July 3rd. We get a whopping...

Upcoming Releases

Yesterday, we showed you the ad for the new Periphery album that has surfaced in the latest issue of Revolver Magazine, which states their highly...

Upcoming Releases

Yes, I know this could easily do without the cheesy introduction, but I'm feelin' good and I like to hear myself speak. So please,...

Tour Dates

Watch interviews and music videos from all the bands playing this year's Summer Slaughter! Finally! Finally! Finally! The promoters of the Summer Slaughter tour...

Latest News

Heavy MTL and Heavy TO have become the absolute killer Canadian festival shows of the year. I'm loving all of these megafests popping up...


Coined by producer/Hate Eternal frontman Erik Rutan, Alex Webster is the Steve Harris of death metal. Webster, one of the two remaining original members...


Head over to our photo gallery to check out sweet new snaps from the following shows: Deicide, Jungle Rot, Abigail Williams, etc Live Every...

Injection Reflection

This has been an insane week for me personally. I got back from SXSW Sunday night and then went right back to the grind...

Latest News

A hearty congratulations goes out to those fine lads and lady in Cerebral Bore who have secured the opening slot on this year's Summer...

Tour Dates

UPDATE: Tour dates have been announced. Click here to see if this is coming to your town Of all the place you'd think would...

Breakups & Shakeups

Something is in the air in the last few weeks when it comes to band members exiting their groups. We've reported on lineup changes...


You may have already caught our previous installment: Metal Injection Metal Guide to SXSW 2012 Part 1: Stoner / Doom / Sludge If not, yo…...


“All they have is just ‘bow-nuh, bow-duh-da-dow, we-dunna-weow-nee-nuh’” Just from hearing such a sample in “Punisher”, you immediately know that Veil of Maya aren’t...


It's Monday and my sinuses are acting up. I am pissed off but luckily some new metal music will get me through the day....

Injection Reflection

This was a fun week in metal… we laughed, we cried, we watched Dave Mustaine further and further alienate his entire fanbase. Pretty much...

Tour Dates

As you can see in the above teaser for their upcoming release, Eclipse, Veil of Maya are officially on the Summer Slaughter, along with...

Tour Dates

Last week when Rob announced that Exhumed would be playing this year's upcoming Summer Slaughter Tour, he mentioned that Ben from Goatwhore jumped the...

Tour Dates

Well, it looks like Summer Slaughter is really shaping up the "most extreme tour of the year," with the already announced acts: Cannibal Corpse,...

Tour Dates

We've been speculating that Cannibal Corpse and Between The Buried and Me would be the headliners for the 2012 edition of the Summer Slaughter...


Let me preface this by saying this is not metal news. This is gossip. But shut the hell up, this is still worthy of...