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White Wizzard ran into a pretty large spot of bad luck when their singer allegedly got trashed and refused to get up on stage....

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Hello and welcome back to the Bandcamp Buried Treasure article series, where I'll be hunting down Buy It Now/Free Download-payment option albums on Bandcamp...


On October 27, 2012 Devin Townsend – more specifically the Devin Townsend Project – performed a concert that was to be the most encompassing, career-spanning show...


On September 8, Satyricon played a show with the Norwegian National Opera backing them up at the Den Norske Opera and Ballett in Oslo,...


In the realm of doom metal, heaviness is king above all. There are plenty of pretenders to the throne out there, but Lycus have...


Erik Danielsson, or simply E, is the vocalist and studio bassist of notorious blood-covered black metal band Watain. The band are preparing to drop The...


Volto just sort of came out of nowhere about a month of so back, and people were both excited and a little confused. What...


Just in time for the 4th of July holiday weekend, here is that iwrestledabearonce song featuring a guitar solo from Steve Vai. 

Kids Today

Living in a city, headphones can be a bit of a pain. Traveling doesn't really allow me to wear my studio monitor headphones because...


A certain amount of fanfare trumpets the return of the regal beast that is Black Sabbath: neither a comically castrating reality show nor endless amounts...

Upcoming Releases

In 1996, Sepultura teamed up with Ross Robinson and created the legendary album Roots, which in essence became a part of the nu-metal blueprint....


With an artfully arranged title – Sunbather – splayed across a sunkissed gradient ranging from salmon to pink lemonade, you'd be forgiven for Deafheaven had jumped labels to...


TesseracT has made a good name for themselves in the world of progressive metal. Alongside such bands like Periphery, and Between the Buried and...


It's easy to forget sometimes that Metallica are really, really rich. Sure, we recently uncovered the net worth of both Lars Ulrich and James...


Decibel decided to grace your ears with their three-song rare flexi-disc of some live Pig Destroyer because they're nice people.


Rotting Out are dropping their new record The Wrong Way on May 7, but you definitely don't have to wait until then to hear...

Bummer Alert

I'm sure it's not very fun being a member of The Faceless right now. The band have spent the last few days stuck off...

Breakups & Shakeups

I am back in my computer chair after way too much debauchery at South by Southwest last week. We'll be posting all of our...

Black Metal History

As part of Black Metal History Month, we will be spotlighting classic albums that we feel are essential for any fan of black metal. This...

Latest News

Are they or aren't they?! We've been going back and forth hearing that Tool is either halfway done with their new record or nowhere...

Open Metacast

Apparently there was a power outage during the Super Bowl that lasted around 34 minutes. I wish we'd known earlier, because this episode of...


Welcome to a very special episode of MSRcast as we devote an entire show to the main man behind Circle II Circle, as we...

Best of 2012

Here are my favorite albums of the year: