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Search results for "Balls"

Matching Tags: X-RAY EYEBALLS


Is it October in an odd-numbered year? Then it's clearly time for another Skeletonwitch record, right? Ignoring 2004's At One With the Shadows – an easy...


Well, this has been an eventful 24 hours for Broken Hope to say the least. During the band's performance, three (not one, as originally...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Hello and welcome back to the Bandcamp Buried Treasure article series, where I'll be hunting down Buy It Now/Free Download-payment option albums on Bandcamp...


Glass Cloud, the band that features (kind-of-ex) Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza guitarist Josh Travis and ex-Sky Eats Airplane vocalist Jerry Roush, released their first...

It's Just Business

Metallica have to be breathing a sigh of relief. The movie that they've worked on non-stop for the better part of the last two...

Injection Reflection

It was a scary week filled with accidents, fights and unnecessary nudeness. Here are this week's top 10 most visited pages: SYLOSIS Involved In RV...


Kill Devil Hill, the all-star featuring bassist Rex Brown (Down, ex-Pantera) and drummer Vinnie Appice (ex-Black Sabbath) are geared up to release Revolution Rise...


If you weren't convinced that the new Death Angel record The Dream Calls for Blood is going to be a killer with their first...


Twilight of the Gods are releasing their new record Fire on the Mountain come September 27 on Seasons of Mist, and honestly I'm getting...


Josh Graham inaugurated A Storm of Light in 2007, shortly before exiting the band he helped found, Red Sparowes. Having also spent the entirety of that decade...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Hello and welcome back to Bandcamp Buried Treasure, where I'll be hunting down Buy It Now/Free Download-payment option albums on Bandcamp by the best...


Toxic Holocaust have always been good for solid albums, but Chemistry of Conciousness is just something else… damn.

Upcoming Releases

Protest the Hero have been in the spotlight for a pretty long time now with their crowd funding campaigns and drummer Moe Carlson leaving,...


I am so, so, so excited for the GWARBQ this Saturday at Hadad's Lake water park in Richmond, VA, I can barely contain myself....

Show Recap

Almost missed this one. Summer Slaughter hadn't rolled through Austin since 2010, and I was under the impression this year was no different (looks like the...


The much anticipated album from Jason Newsted's aptly named band Newsted is finally available for streaming! Come take a listen and get thrashed!

Latest News

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Boysetsfire make a spectacular return to music with their latest release, While A Nation Sleeps, their first album in over six years. While the...


So as much fun as Newsted is live, I have one gripe about the new single; it's off an album called Heavy Metal Music....


Black Tusk announced their new EP Tend No Wounds to be out on July 23. Think you might be interested? Get in here and...

RIP a Livecast

We kicked off the episode in full "Darrinsky" mode, and that lasted throughout the episode leading to many laughs. We discussed the most recent...


So you're in the mood for some Alice in Chains, but the doomier styling of bands like Woods of Ypres has been calling your...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....