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Search results for "BUST"


Blizaro is one of the weirdest bands to ever come from the US, John Gallo the forgotten master of horror doom is back with...

Bummer Alert

Brian Johnson finally speaks!

Shocking Revelations

One AC/DC fan got the experience of a lifetime.

Shocking Revelations

Guns N Roses' Axl Rose is the new vocalist of AC/DC. It's confirmed!


Lamb Of God have been breaking boundaries for extreme metal bands left and right. But are they the new Metallica?

Metal Crimes

Just a few days after the rest of his band walked out on him for erratic behavior, we learn that Puddle of Mudd frontman...


Church of Misery rely heavily on the strength of their music, which bears a strong familiarity that could be equal parts turn on or...


This could be really big!

Upcoming Releases

It's certainly NOT Rick Rubin.


Consistency is the order of the day here, which is what makes For All Kings a notable improvement over Worship Music. This feels more...


Along comes album number three and, well, the Lost Society we knew, loved and described above has almost vanished into the ether. Seriously kids...


Speed is Obscura’s strength; always has, always will be, apparently. A definite showing of this is exhibited in how even the rocket-paced tracks are...


Exumer has penned a robust album dripping with strong riffs, cogent arrangements and copious amounts of energy with little to no filler that’ll give...

The Obituarist

This is the first batch of sick bands and releases I’ve been able to dig up in this most scarce time of the year…...


Grindcore…old school death metal’s bastard cousin. It's supposed to be loud, fast and to the point. There’s no room in the genre for egos,...


The issue as it stands for Exmortus on Ride Forth is that in addition to much of this release screaming prodigious talent, scholastic competency...


There's a lot of things you need to know before getting to hit the road, bitter truths that you'll hear, and probably ignore, which...


Back in 2012 (which makes this DVD a bit on the belated side but whatever) the mighty Melvins undertook a novel tour, playing all...

Oh, Danzig

Skeletons is a stopgap album of covers centred around Danzig's early influences. For a guy nicknamed "Evil Elvis" apparently Glenn is unaware that we...

Best of 2015

Well its that time of year again, loyal readers. As you race to find gifts for relatives who mostly annoy the shit out of...

Tour Dates

This will sell out!


If you enjoy brutal death to any degree, this quality release by Iniquitous Savagery is well worth the investment.

Latest News

Hetfield blamed the tanking on negative reviews and poor availability.