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Headliners include Phish, Childish Gambino & more.

Latest News

"It won't sell shit. It would really just be for my own fucking personal collection."

Twenty Nine-Scene

The year 2019 is now Twenty Nine-Scene. Join Two Minutes to Late Night co-creator Drew Kaufman as he looks at back at the seminal...

Black Friday

The human condition is something highly variable and often volatile. It's a constant state of flux and it differs between each person afflicted with...

At The Movies

The movie looks great!

Upcoming Releases

According to bassist Terry Butler, Obituary has "some riffs kicking around."

Best of 2018

As you can probably tell from my Instagram page, 2018 was an incredible year for live music, and makes me wonder how this year...

Song Premiere

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. I'm excited to be back bringing new music to your ears all year...

Best of 2018

What a wild year.

Best of 2018

I started this in 2016 in an effort to effectively calculate what we, the Metal Injection writers, were collectively fans of. For 2018, I...

Best of 2018

I am stupidly fortunate to rip around and photograph 200+ bands every year, and while I shoot other genres as well, make no mistake...

Bummer Alert

At least the public spat settled settled some tensions.

Best of 2018

This article will mark the fourth time I've created a "Top 20 Albums of the Year" piece and after glossing over my previous lists...


I discovered Exist about a year ago when they released their So True, So Bound LP. I was so blown away by the experimental...

Best of 2018

How is 2018 almost over? Time flies when you're having fun/appalled by the state of the world and see no hope for the future...

Best of 2018

Holy shit, it's the end of the year already. Where did it go? What even came out this year? There are a couple reasons...


Shavo seems confident we'll hear new System of A Down music.

Breakups & Shakeups

McClain was originally in the band from '91 to '95.


Yeah, we know… Japan's Sigh are not Norwegian. We get it. For the purposes of this very special instalment of This Is Armageddon! you'd...