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This Is Just A Tribute

It's gotta be a tough time for the surviving members of Pantera.


Ozzfest's first show on the east coast in a decade.

This Is Just A Tribute

Pantera/Hellyeah drummer Vinnie Paul passed away late Friday night. He touched many lives in the metal community.

This Is Just A Tribute

Vinnie Paul's cause of death is unknown at this time. The Pantera drummer was only 54 years old.


Oakland's Abstracter has evolved and changed quite a bit since their formation in 2010. Originally formed as a noise duo, the band slowly grew into...

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He might've joined 7 Horns 7 Eyes?


12 different writers, 12 very different lists.

Breakups & Shakeups

Everybody is still on good terms.

Celebrity Metalheads

He was in a metalcore band in high school and currently hangs with Power Trip and Knocked Loose.


They might be bad wolves, but they're good dudes.

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off this week talking about eclairs, episode titles, and Code Orange. We are then joined by Aaron Akin of Black Fast...


The Faceless have been pushing back on claims of sloppiness, and fans provide the receipts.

Tour Dates

Now THIS is a way to ring in the new year.

Upcoming Releases

"I mean, so far the music is heavy, it's progressive, it's melodic, it's shredding, and it's also epic."

Music Videos

"He tried to kill me during a home invasion when he was high in 2010."

Latest News

If you didn't dig the new Dimmu tunes, you'll probably dig this.

Kids In Metal

So that's what St. Anger sounds like with a snare...