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Since their debut, Riverside has always carried the 'Porcupine Tree's little brother act' label. Yet, with that main comparison now on hiatus during extensive...


Instrumental Proggy Goodness in the vein of Opeth and Katatonia!

RIP a Livecast

We kicked this week's Livecast off with a discussion about the new Slayer track, "When The Stillness Comes." Noa and Jake talked about their...


As with many bands that start off mixing and matching disparate sub-genre tropes to varying effect, Barren Earth have grown exponentially in terms of...

Latest News

There were many bands in the 1990s who, having began as doom-infused death metal, later transitioned to melodic goth metal of one variety or...

Weekly Injection

This edition of the Weekly Injeciton features a band that shares a name with one of my favorite Mortal Kombat characters, a band named...


"The singer sounds like he’s sitting on a toilet seat, pushing a big one. I can’t stand it! "

Upcoming Releases

Yes! Progressive metal is looking great this year!

Weekly Injection

Tomorrow in Manatee Appreciation Day! Today is exciting because of new releases from prog sadsacks, a bunch of quirky metal, brutal shenanigans and more,...


Enslaved were one of the earlier Scandinavian bands to begin rigorously unraveling the increasingly staid black metal template. Though they've been at this "controlled...

Black Metal History

These bands embody all the best things about metal: catchy riffs and great songwriting, effective use of melody to create a narrative structure, vocals...


Peter Shallmin is the bassist and creative driving force behind ESCAPETHECULT, the new supergroup featuring members of Primus, Mercyful Fate, Uneven Structure and Kamlath....

Weekly Injection

As I teased last week, this week'd WEEKLY INJECTION is packed. It features THREE prog bands dropping live releases, English fuzz, Portland doom, Norwegian black...

Upcoming Releases

That was unexpected!


Bled White is the latest album from Novembers Doom, and if you're totally unfamiliar with their sound, think of them as a mix of...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Rising from their grave, Brains are back to do up 70's rock worship better than most bands trying right now.

Weekly Injection

I alluded to today's monstrous releases last week, and the day i finally upon us. This week's edition of The Weekly Injection features some...