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Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include nasty death metal, timely political hardcore, a prog metal reunion, and more! To the metals...

Upcoming Releases

At least 2021 will kick off with some great new music.

Music Videos

A sludgy crawl through razors and the ensuing anguished screams.


Congratulations to Destruction for becoming the first band to perform live since quarantine kicked off in mid-March dealing with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. It...


"We always agree on each other’s musical input. That’s the beauty of it; there’s never really an argument about what direction we’re taking."

New Music

We could all use a little musical pick-me-up in these COVID-19 days, so how about some totally righteous sludge infused with post-hardcore to get...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include symphonic metal legends, a guitar legend, the legendary Witch Taint, and more! To the metals...


Iranian-Norwegian black metallers From The Vastland have unleashed a brand new track from their forthcoming album, The Haft Khan. The song, entitled "Khan e...

Tour Dates

The coronavirus ripple effect is taking its hold on the metal scene. As Norway has banned all public events through the end of April...

Music Videos

"The feel of the video was inspired by some footage I stumbled upon of Joni Mitchell from a 1966 French-Canadian TV show."

Live Footage

Obscura played their 15th anniversary show at the Alte Kaserne in their hometown of Landshut, Germany on April 30, 2018. If you weren't there,...

Live Footage

Amigo The Devil is currently embarking on his first-ever European Tour throughout January/February, before he joins Murder By Death's 20th Anniversary tour in March....


Listen before it gets taken down again.

Fuck Yes!

Remember five-year old drummer Caleb H.? He was seen earlier this week, rocking out hard to Slipknot on their current U.K. tour. He even got...

Tour Dates

All proceeds will go to Australian fire relief funds.

Shocking Revelations

We have a whole section of the site where we spotlight Celebrity Metalheads, but this story is in reverse. It's a metalhead giving props...