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Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanza shopping for metal heads may not be easy, so we have a few suggestions.

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

It's Just Business

"You probably shouldn’t use Deal Sim to figure out if you need to audit your label, but it can help you discern if something...


Five Finger Death Punch sure got people talking with the release of their controversial new music video for "Living the Dream." The video features...

New Music

"I consider Vikings a very 'metal' show with its thematics being something many heavy bands want to write about."


If you think castles, ghosts, vampires, and candelabras are rad, then you'll dig this album. If not, well ... nobody's perfect.


She ran on the slogan "F--- The Police." She picked Trivium for her official campaign song.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include Alice In Chains love, Troll metal, keyboard wankery, and more!

Upcoming Releases

It's been 20 years since Pantera released their swan song, Reinventing the Steel. Where the hell does the time go? Rhino Records is celebrating...


"I wanted [Terminal Velocity] to reflect my identity and be my opportunity to say, 'Here’s what I’m all about.'"

Injection Reflection

What a wild week it's been here at Metal Injection. As you've probably noticed, we have a new design. Things are still in beta,...

Music Videos

Napalm Death slowing down sounds awesome.

Metal Merch

Oops! The face coverings do look really sweet though.

Back in the Day

"Tom Araya won't say if he's a satanist. His mother prays for him every night." –Pastor Bob Larson who toured with Slayer in 1989 Before...


Although Mushroomhead has had many lineup changes over their career, this most recent rendition is easily the most crucial shift as founding vocalist Jeffrey...


Another famous Richmond, Virgina native has weighed in on the Confederate statue debate. A few weeks back, a joke petition was passed around to...

Latest News

It's 4th of July weekend. Enjoy grilling, and maybe leave the fireworks at home and don't scare the doggos. Here's what you missed this...