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Their first in 12 years without guitarist Jens F. Ryland.

It's Just Business

"Even to this day, for all the money that metal moves, it's amazing how disrespected it is."

Upcoming Releases

"Why make it easier to ignore? We're not charging any more for it so why get worked up about it?"

Around the Interwebs

She asked Tobias Forge to date him, and now they are! Okay, not really.

Music Videos

It's a cover of Chrissy Zebby Tembo & Ngozi Family.

Bummer Alert

2018 was looking so good for Bloodbath too.

It's Just Business

NYC councilman Justin Brannan has had enough.

Music Videos

One of the big hits of Appetite for Destruction (and a far better song than "Welcome to the Jungle" IMO) was "It's So Easy."...


It's the beginning of the end for Slayer. This Spring, the band is set to embark on their final North American tour. After 37...

Latest News

"It doesn't have to stand in comparison with anything, because to us it's in a class of its own."

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Warfuck’s This Was Supposed to Be Fun.

Upcoming Releases

"Everyone's so pussy right now... we're carnivores."


It's not every day hard rock and heavy metal get featured on broadcast television, so we'll take what we can get.


Cancer Bats frontman Liam Cormier talks The Spark That Moves, their epic 80s inspired video, and feeding off the energy of their fans

RIP a Livecast

Sid wasn't around for this episode because he was in London, but thankfully we had an international ISDN line set up to get some...

Upcoming Releases

Their first with ex-Lorna Shore vocalist Tom Barber.

Injection Reflection

It's the weekend and I'm gearing up to watch the Battle of the Super Juniors. If you don't know what that means just enjoy...

Music Videos

There are far too many bands nowadays who have found themselves in the pigeonhole of being stuck within one genre or style. With a...