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Search results for "Hellfest"


Metal festivals have been increasing in frequency and popularity in recent years, with massive ones taking place in every developed country in the world....

Tour Dates

Metal media have been salivating all over Superjoint Ritual-related gossip ever since Phil Anselmo resurfaced his side project for their "one-off" performance at last year's Housecore...


As soon as I hit play, I'm instantly transported to Hellfest 2001.

Tour Dates

It's finally happening!

Tour Dates

Are you looking forward to this combo?

Fuck Yes!

A conflict isn't going to stop Behemoth from playing their show as promised…


A history lesson on extreme metal for free? Yes, please!

Tour Dates

Megadeth are going to France, Netherlands, Sweden....everywhere!

Upcoming Releases

Royal Thunder have finally entered the studio to record the follow-up to their debut CVI, and nobody is mad about it. Atlanta's doom rock...


It's European festival seasons, meaning most of the metal gods are overseas blasting eardrums of European metalheads. Over the weekend, France held it's annual...


In case you haven’t heard the news or the teaser material, Finnish humppa-metallers Finntroll—Vreth, Trollhorn, Beast Dominator & Co.—are back with their seventh studio...

Show Recap

In the searing heat of English summer approximately 15,000 people flooded a tiny patch of field to wreak chaos, drink too much beer and...

Injection Reflection

Here are the most viewed stories and videos of the week: New Footage Of Randy Blythe Incident Surfaces Showing Security Assaulting Fan In Question...


The week has begun and what a perfect time to catch up on album streams and videos. We got some good stuff from Ihsahn,...

Bummer Alert

This is disappointing news, but ultimately inevitable. Due to his ongoing treatment for lymphoma, guitarist Tony Iommi has be forced to pull out of...


Charging up their batteries for an imminent European tour, Matthew Skarajew and Paul Mazziotta of diSEMBOWELMENT, er… d.USK, er… Inverloch take a brief respite...

Upcoming Releases

Fans of obscure Australian metal, rejoice! Relapse Records has recently signed, or rather, re-signed (as you'll see why in a while) Melbourne, Australia’s death/doom...

Fuck Yes!

Last week, Rob told us that King Diamond was getting ready to hit the road as he had signed a deal with two major...

Latest News

Black Sabbath is working on new material, and they are planning to cash in huge next year with a huge world tour. Dates are...

Tour Dates

Converge released like the greatest album ever in 2008, with Axe To Fall, and they are apparently on their way to writing a new...

Tour Dates

Click Here To Watch The Video Eyehategod put on one of the best performances I saw in 2010, and I look forward to seeing...

Tour Dates

Well this is certainly shocking. Judas Priest appears to be ready to call it quits. The band has announced they will be spending 2011...