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A musician who doesn’t know any theory is like a painter who doesn’t know the names of colors.

In The Studio

I look forward to what FNM have up their sleeve.

Upcoming Releases

The band is hopeful to release a new album in summer 2019.

br00tal Comedy

Dude is still phenomenal, even on a kid guitar.

Upcoming Releases

Their first with drummer Jason Bittner (Shadows Fall).


As heavy as 21 seconds can be.


Who knew Ted Cruz was a Nine Inch Nails fan?


The album that broke the internet, reviewed right here...

In The Studio

Ex-Dead Kennedys singer Jello Biafra is involved.

Upcoming Releases

"It’s roughly 35 minutes of unhinged, yet cohesive, riff-driven aural ballistics."


Metal Injection local favorites, Moon Tooth, are on track to release their sophomore album in early 2019 with a new banger called Crux, coming...


Including his least favorite Unearth songs they ever wrote!

Music Videos

It's super weird. Also, Maximum the Ryo-kun lost a ton of weight.

Tour Dates

A killer tour to get in the pit.

RIP a Livecast

On this episode, we welcome Unearth frontman Trevor Phipps to the show tonight. Unearth just released their new album, Extinction(s), which we discuss, as well...