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Search results for "Genius"


Hey there tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. I've got a special early album stream from NYN for today's column. And...

Tour Dates

Black Crown Initiate, Dethlehem, Grey Walker, etc.


Frontman Nikan Khosravi details how he got arrested and what the future is for the band.


Drop the needle, throw on your best pair of headphones, and let Elder take you away. It's an adventure that won't be soon forgotten.


Do you think a new GNR is needed? Will you be listening? Will it be good?

Music Videos

It's no secret that I've been pumped on Igorrr for years, and eagerly awaiting his latest opus, Savage Sinusoid, out on Metal Blade Records...

Latest News

Growing up on the streets of Brooklyn, NY lead me to be a sponge for all the amazing local acts that would grow to...

The Obituarist

Really excited about the line up here, an eclectic mix from all walks of the extreme for your neighbors second-hand listening displeasure!


Let's cut right to the chase: He Is Legend is one of the most underrated, under-appreciated bands in all of metal.

Music Videos

Meticulously engaging and bizarre beyond words, "Opus Brain" will mind-fuck you.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes frills, frills, and more (frills, that is)! To the frills…

Shocking Revelations

"Phil Anselmo, guy is fucking genius, so funny. Should be a comedian, not kidding."


While the debate of what metal subgenre is the most extreme would be endless and revolve around subjective opinion, I'd make the claim that...

The Obituarist

Hello and welcome back to The Obituarist… it’s a new year, ladies and gentleman and this marks my 20th (!) edition. My resolution this...


Despite it only being January, 2017 is shaping up to look pretty great in terms of rock and metal releases. We're getting a new...