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It's Blotted Science. Of course it's insane.

Upcoming Releases

Souther sludge is coming for your ears.


He's going to be alright.

New Music

Lines in the Sky's lyric video for "Thalassophobia" is awash with chilling storybook imagery that's drowned in awesome progressive rock panic.


New Jersey deathcore has never sounded so good!

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He did it for the troops!

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases includes your favorite groovy Germans, oodles of evil, and more!  To the metals...

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It's almost time for another progressive masterpiece.

RIP a Livecast

We kick off the show discussing a recent meet-up with a longtime fan of the show, Israeli Guy. We get a call from Acky...


Chris Jericho returns to the Squared Circle Pit and we have a lot to catch up on. First, we reminiss about the first Chris...

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Their last album came out less than a year ago.

Bummer Alert

Fans hoping to catch Ulver on their upcoming west coast U.S. tour are out of luck, because the band just announced they'd been forced...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off with Rob talking about his new SiriusXM radio and his pet peeves with DJs on the radio network. We discuss...

Attention, Stoners:

A revolutionary invention!