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Around the Interwebs

That's all there is to it. Some of them are really good and some of these guys should definitely stick to music.


Grindcore has a storied history, one which ties together otherwise disparate factions of punks and metalheads and has set the precedent for just how...


Also go buy this record right now.

Upcoming Releases

Chino lied to us! He said no work until 2015.

Weekly Injection

Not too many big releases this week, but there is certainly a diverse batch of records dropping.  This week's edition of THE WEEKLY INJECTION...

Black Metal History

When people talk about U.S. black metal, the focus is usually on the Brooklyn, Pacific Northwest, and California scenes. But if you dig a...


For fans of good music, obviously.

Black Metal History

Those haircuts... they can't possibly be serious, can they? The two gentlemen in the above photo aren't posing for a CKNY ad campaign. They...

Black Metal History

Another masterstroke release from Bindrune Recordings, Germany's Waldgeflüster return with an album three years in the making. Called Meine Fesseln, one man mastermind Winterherz...

Weekly Injection

We're back here with another fairly slow week, however these releases are pretty eclectic. In this week's edition we have Taiwan folk metal, some...

Essential Black Metal Listening

I love Ulver’s place in the history of black metal. Only three albums and just a couple of years can really be dedicated to...

Black Metal History

Tracing the origins of black metal is less like searching for a needle in a haystack and more like wondering through a graveyard at...

Upcoming Releases

"There is a feeling within the band now to take a different approach on the next record."

Black Metal History

By 2002, True Norwegian Black Metal had become a shadow of its former self; many of the subgenre's powerhouse bands had either disbanded or...


Plagues of Babylon sees Iced  Earth edging closer to the more sprawling epics we got used to seeing from them in the past.

Latest News

No longer accepting jobs for cowboys, he's now a child of the scorpion.

Black Metal History

The one sub-genre of music most closely associated with hatred, chaos, misanthropy, individualism, and a lack of rules has come to be known as...


If you've been on the internet the last few days, you've heard about the "controversy" that Flea was caught with his bass completely unplugged...

Black Metal History

In case it wasn't obvious enough already, legendary Black Metal heroes Immortal love winter. Like…they REALLY love it. If it doesn't involve frostbitten mountains...

Weekly Injection

This week's edition of THE WEEKLY INJECTION includes some corpse paint, some choreographed hopping, some Xzibit, and more!