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Around the Interwebs

THE 8TH OF MAY, THE 8TH OF MAY! To celebrate 40 years since the release of the iconic Motorhead song "Ace of Spades," Motorhead are...

Upcoming Releases

Looks like we're still getting that Mercyful Fate comeback.

New Music

From one of the two rarities compilations they're releasing.


Jarvis Leatherby may be one of the low-key busiest folks in heavy metal. Founder and frontman for trad metal ironmen Night Demon, new bassist...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include some deeper cuts than normal, a death metal OG, and more! To the metals...

It's Just Business

"Buy a shirt, but I’m not going to ask for money."

Upcoming Releases

Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich joined Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff for one of Benioff's livestreamed fireside chats earlier today, and when the discussion veered on...

Latest News

"It's got a lot of harmonies and it's got a lot more doomy riffs."


The Denver death metal group returns with their first new material in two years: a blistering new track loaded with dual-layered riffs, a more...

Full Album Stream

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with an album premiere of Evisorax’s Ascension Catalyst.

Upcoming Releases

It has been turned in to Sumerian Records.


Everything is relative. Some people bag on Lars, others appreciate both his drumming and the part he’s played in advancing and maintaining metal’s relevance...


Welcome back, head banging homebodies! I have returned with another list of disease-themed metal to cradle your cochlea, in hopes to teach some epidemiology...

Metal Crimes

(Update: Feb 1. 2021 – Wood publicly named Marilyn Manson as her abuser.) Video footage of Westworld star Evan Rachel Wood testifying in front...


Following up arguably the greatest album of your career to date is a tall ask, but if you're not first you're last and really,...

Injection Reflection

This is the week ICP looked more sane than some members of our government. Here's what you missed. ICP Cancel Gathering 2020: "We Refuse...

New Music

I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Evanescence. If nothing else, they are a huge gateway band for a generation of metal and...

Metal Merch

If you are a regular visitor of this website, you've surely seen photographer Jeremy Saffer's work. He's photographed hundreds of prominent metal bands. About...

Song Premiere

It's time to return to Lordran and explore more of Dark Souls. Following their debut release that came out last year, Firelink return with...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include prog sad boys, shelter at home circle pits, difficult to Google bands, and more! To the metals...