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Juicy riffs!


From the sound of it, it seems as though the music will pretty much sound like Megadeth with Adler on drums. Literally. That might...


This is the best Instagram teaser for new music you're going to hear all year.

br00tal Comedy

Ten Second Songs' Anthony Vincent is back with a new video just in time for Valentine's Day. He plays a little game here, where...

Upcoming Releases

New BTBAM is on the horizon!


Today is a great day! Earlier this week, Periphery streamed the first part of their double album, Juggernaut: Alpha, and today we get the...


Eyehategod is way, way deeper than you think.


Six seconds of chug is better than nothing!

Latest News

In the words of a bunch of people, "hell to the yes!"

Music Videos

We're excited to premiere this crushing new track from Anti Ritual. Video filmed, directed and edited by Per Silkjær. The track comes off the...

Fuck Yes!

Ever hear the phrase “seven minutes in heaven”?


Getting your face torn off all over again.


There's shred! Chugs! Shreddy chugs and chuggy shreds! Also riffs.


Riffs on top of riffs

br00tal Comedy

Here's the best hair metal parody since Steel Panther, from Nick Kroll's Kroll Show, it's his fictional band Sloppy Secondz’ and their track "L.A....