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Metal Merch

Pre-order packages are insane nowadays. Take for example this killer BTBAM package for their upcoming release, The Parallax II: Future Sequence. It comes with...


Enough with the crappy bootlegs, let's get srs here. Between The Buried And Me announced their new album, The Parallax II: Future Sequence and everybody was dying...

Upcoming Releases

This is a good week for Between The Buried and Me fans. They are kicking off their Summer Slaughter trek this coming Friday in...


Here is Between The Buried and Me guitarist Paul Waggoner telling a story of how he bet frontman Tommy Rogers to moon the crowd...

Upcoming Releases

The photo attached to this post is of drummer Blake Richardson and producer Jamie King tuning drums in the studio. Why are they tuning...

Upcoming Releases

Oh hell yes! Between The Buried and Me are one of the co-headliners of this year's Summer Slaughter fest, and just because they haven't...


The word on the street is that two of the headliners for this year's Summer Slaughter Tour are Between the Buried and Me and...

Upcoming Releases

The fine lads in Between The Buried and Me have posted this photo to their Facebook page, which is of a folder labeled Parallax...

Tour Dates

Well, this is exciting. A few weeks back, we guaranteed that Between The Buried and Me, Animals As Leaders and Tesseract would tour this...

Tour Dates

Talk about a tour that is 100% Metal Injection approved! There are rumors swirling on the interwebs that Between The Buried and Me are...


If you haven't checked out the current BTBAM, Job For A Cowboy, The Ocean, Cephalic Carnage tour then you are missing out on some...


Between the Buried and Me have been at the forefront of technical metal ever since they busted out their monster full-length Alaska in 2005. They...


On The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues, Between the Buried and Me unleashes a flurry of genre-blending forms and influences to craft an enjoyable, entertaining listen....


BTBAM is streaming their new EP, The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues right now at Metalsucks, a full two weeks before it even comes out on...


Well looky here. A few days after releasing a 30 second cock tease video about their forthcoming EP, The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues, Between the...

Tour Dates

Oh, oh, oh…oh yes! Looks like we have a frontrunner for tour of the Spring. BTBAM are kicking things into full gear, first with...

Upcoming Releases

Between The Buried and Me are off to Toronto to track their highly anticipated EP. The band released a video teaser about the EP...


We just posted two sweet new sets of photos in our Photo Gallery. First up, are photos all the way from Finland's Sonisphere festival...


Between The Buried And Me appeared on Fuel TV's "The Daily Habit" and of course, killed it via live performance. This may be the...

Tour Dates

Talk about a huge tour! Coming off their amazing recent outing with DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT and CYNIC, BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME are going...


1. This band is amazing. 2. "Obfuscation" is taking prog-metal in a new direction. 3. I'm liking this video's set up. 4. Whoa, what...


By Ben Apatoff Call it "Deeper Colors." Approximately two years after BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME leapt into headliner status on Colors, they've plunged...

Fuck Yes!

Wow! MetalSucks has alerted me to the fact that BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME announced on their MySpace page that in January of 2010...