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Search results for "BULLET"

Record Sales

November was not a great month for rock and metal, at least not on Spotify, with 2/3 of the bands on this list losing...

Extreme of the Extreme

Welcome to another great Thursday of Extreme of the Extreme. Also happy Thanksgiving to all of the American readers out there! This week, featuring...


Under Sullen Skies begins a new epoch for New York's Tombs, presenting a diverse onslaught of frightening atmosphere, skull-caving heaviness and inexplicable catchiness—along with...

New Music

Trillionaire is a new formation that features a smorgasbord of talented veterans such as vocalist Renee Fontaine, bassist Matt St. Gelais, drummer Phil DuBois...

Record Sales

October wasn't the greatest month for rock and heavy metal. Despite some bands seeing large gains in their following, overall listenership only grew by...

Upcoming Releases

The first single from Necroceros is due out November 6.


This footage, which claims to be the first Rage Against the Machine concert ever, is pretty fascinating to watch. Beyond hearing these songs in...

Record Sales

September wasn't a bad month for rock and metal. overall the listens grew by 1.71%, slightly down up from 2.49% last month. The biggest...


Endarkenment leans harder into overwhelming speed and aggression when it counts most.

New Music

Maynard James Keenan wasn't kidding when he said he was hard at work on new Puscifer music. Because the band just announced their next release....

This Is Just A Tribute

"I only had the misfortune once of getting mixed up in a ‘party situation' with them where Dime was bartending."

Record Sales

August wasn't a bad month for rock and metal overall. While many bands saw a decrease in listeners, overall the listens grew by 2.49%,...


Belarusian metal bands are speaking out about the ongoing unrest in the nation.

This Is Just A Tribute

He also played in bands like Crowbar and Crisis.

Record Sales

July wasn't the greatest month for this list. Big surprise for 2020, I know. While many bands saw a decrease in listeners, overall the...

New Music

Again, just listen to the original. For your health.

Record Sales

Welcome back to the Spotify Mega List, where we track nearly 400 bands and their followers on Spotify. June, like May, saw an overall...


Ulthar uses erratic experimentalism to mold the timeless essentials of death metal and black metal into an exhilarating, hellish adrenaline shot.