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Search results for "aftershock"

Upcoming Releases

They're hoping to have it out later the same year.


Bassist David Ellefson was fired from Megadeth back in May after a much-publicized sexual affair surfaced between Ellefson and an unnamed woman. Ellefson recently...


Greg Tribbett didn't clone himself.


They are with you.

Tour Dates

Due to the uncertainty of touring right now.

Live Footage

The fourth song we've heard from the two shows, and it sounds great!

Live Footage

They harvested the hell out of that sorrow.


Yesterday, Thursday, September 16th, 2021 – Metallica announced late in the day that they would be playing a surprise show at the 500-person capacity...

New Music

Exodus is now streaming their new single "Clickbait", which as you might've guessed takes clickbait articles to task. "Very excited to launch the release...

Music Videos

Alien Weaponry is now streaming their new single "Hatupatu", whose lyrics are entirely in the band's native Māori language. The video for "Hatupatu" was...

New Music

Featuring members of Dredg and Far.