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Did you know that former Guns N Roses guitarist Slash is producing a horror film? Slash, or his accountant, probably thought he needed to...

Around the Interwebs

I've never heard of Cryptic Murmurs up until this point, but bless their hearts for creating the song "Anderson Cooper." The CNN reporter got...


The last time Kylesa took three years between records they came back with two drummers and their career high water mark up to that time, Static Tensions....

Open Metacast

Back when there were record stores, there were some places that sold compilation albums of different artists. Sometimes they were full priced, and other...


It's hard for Marilyn Manson to stay relevant nowadays. His live show is a shell of it's former self, and other than having Johnny...


So few things happen in Fargo, North Dakota that when Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich and his new model gilrfriend, supermodel Jessica Miller come into...

Latest News

That's right! They counted DC as a state. A few weeks back, we reported The Melvins are looking to set a world record by...

Latest News

Mayhem Fest wrapped this past weekend and already festival organizers are looking ahead to next year. Every year, the fest is anchored by one...

Upcoming Releases

Good reviews all around this week (kind of). But still, my relative good mood aside, we've got some genuinely awesome stuff coming out, from...


Is there really such thing as an unlikely location for a metal band to originate these days? Process of Guilt are natives of Portugal,...


Ulver have long been known for their restless experimentation, flitting from black metal to folk to dark ambient and all things in between (mostly...

Tour Dates

The Melvins are looking to make history by setting the Guinness World Record for the first band to play all 50 U.S. states and...

Open Metacast

In memoriam of the great artists that we've lost this year. Shownotes after the break: http://archive.org/download/OpenMetalcastInstrumetalcast6TragedyOfSlowAndLow/open_metalcast_instrumetalcast_006.mp3Podcast: Download

Upcoming Releases

I am really excited for Baroness' upcoming double album, Yellow & Green, out July 17th on Relapse. It's been forever since we've heard new...

Upcoming Releases

The metal world let out a collective "Woohoo" when it was announced that Jesse Leach was officially rejoining Killswitch Engage. Now that question of...

Tour Dates

I love me some Weekend Nachos, the band…not the nachos. Although who doesn't love nachos? With melted cheese! Mmmmm. Wait, this is about the...

Best of 2011

Every year, Rob asks me to contribute a year-end list to this fine establishment, and every year, I harsh everyone’s buzz by submitting the...

Latest News

So it seems the Epitaph World Tour will not be the end of Judas Priest. According to lead-singer Rob Halford, the band has been...

Tour Dates

Last week, we were hopeful that the rumors of Lamb of God touring with The Acacia Strain were true, and turns out they are,...


Recently, while cleaning my house, blasting Rust in Peace and playing air guitar with the vacuum cleaner hose, I began to ponder metal's rejuvenating...


Nader Sadek is famous for his elaborate stage designs, sculptures, and masks. His clients have included artists like SUNN O))) and Mayhem, whom he...


If you want the best that metalcore has to offer, do yourself a favor and stick with the bands that broke the scene in...


Burzum's long awaited comeback after 11 years of silence was a quiet one: 2010's Belus was generally well received but in many ways flew...