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Upcoming Releases

I was a bit overwhelmed by the staggering amount of big releases out this week; but it's true, the metal gods are just, and...

Latest News

Animals As Leaders strike me as one of the least violent metal bands out there. Which is why I was so shocked to hear...

Upcoming Releases

This memorial day weekend was filled with BBQ and beer and fake patriotism, so in his infinite wisdom Uncle Sam decided not to give...


Even though Lord Ahriman is the only remaining founding member in Dark Funeral, the Swedish black metal band just inked a new three-album deal with...

Breakups & Shakeups

Well, this is a bummer for Black Sabbath fans. After the excitement of the Black Sabbath reunion announcement, Bill Ward balked in hopes of...

Upcoming Releases

The metal gods have spoken, and the cosmic wheel of new releases ever turns. Last week we got by on the strength of no-names...


The Decibel Magazine Tour, featuring Behemoth, Watain, The Devil's Blood, and In Solitude, has been a lot of drama. First, the guy who owns...

Hand Ov Doom

In an age where Illuminati-controlled mass media has dumbed down society, where alien encounters have been covered up for years, where everyone actually is...


Acephalix breathe life into fetid, sepulchral death with crust punk beats and chest-bursting rage. Deathless Master is a subtle refinement of the ripping, rupturous...

Sick Art

I don't usually write about reissues, but I had to write about this one. Sleep's opus Dopesmoker will be remastered "from the original smoke-encrusted...


I've been rooting for Seattle natives Black Breath since receiving their Razor to Oblivion EP in the mail back in 2008. Unfortunately, in my (admittedly minority)...

Mustaine Mania

Dave has done it again! Ok, maybe I'm stretching this one a bit too far, but it's still pretty funny. We've been keeping up...

Latest News

March Is Metal Month over at Amazon.com, who are currently holding a massive sale on a ton of heavy metal music in a variety...

Black Metal History

As some of us intelligent people might know, there have got to be a few reasons why black metal weapons look so primitive and...

Upcoming Releases

According to thePRP, Job For A Cowboy have named their next studio Demonocracy. The LP, which was produced by Jason Suecof and the Audiohammer...


We have a slew of new music to tell you about today, so much so that we decided it's time for another audio roundup....

Latest News

Last week, Dave Mustaine said he would vote for Rick Santorum and in turn got a ton of publicity for it, only to retract...

Mustaine Mania

We all love a great Dave Mustaine story, and this one is no different. Mustaine was recently asked by Music Radar about his opinions...

Black Metal History

BLACK METAL: to some it's the purest embodiment of uncompromising musical nonconformity, while to others it's the meme that keeps on giving (I predict...


Things are heating up with this Black Sabbath drama. To quickly recap, drummer Bill Ward released a public statement saying he could not commit...

Black Metal History

Both black and death metal embody the most misanthropic, morbid, depressing, sickening, and rebellious traits of mankind—yet they are quite different from each other....

Latest News

So many people have bought tickets to Refused's upcoming US dates just to turn around and sell them for insane rates. A quick look...

Around the Interwebs

Here's something really cool. A new Twingine of some sort to aid in a metalhead's ravenous hunt for common or rare records was started...