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Cypress Hill, I'm looking in your direction.

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Architects, Korn, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Avatar, Pierce The Veil, and more!

Song Premiere

Hey there tech-fiends, it's that time of the week again. Once again, I've got an early exclusive premiere today for you to check out....


FFO: Mastodon, Intronaut, Helms Alee...

Latest News

Apparently, it's the media's fault.


If The Obsessed does indeed turn out to be Wino's exclusive gig for the foreseeable future, he could have definitely picked a worse way...


Wear Your Wounds' debut record is one of the most emotionally significant releases in recent times.


Relic is pretty much just a back-to-forward bang your head album, and fans of stoner rock are never short on appetite for no bullshit,...


Epic blackened death metal from India...

Shocking Revelations

But he has nothing but flattering things to say about her.

It's Just Business

Meanwhile the label says the band hasn't delivered the album "required under the recording contract and expected by their fans."

Record Sales

How does that work? One word: streaming.

It's Just Business

Opprobium used to be a death metal band called Incubus, and they think Metallica stole their song.

Live Footage

A Perfect Circle performed a new song for the first time ever, reportedly titled "Feathers" during their performance at the Pearl Concert Theater at...


A few months ago, Metallica declared they are not a political band. Drummer Lars Ulrich said he realizes the band's fans stand on either side of the...

Metal Crimes

The tale of the Ghost lawsuit has a new wrinkle. This week, we learned four former members of the band are taking Ghost mastermind Tobias Forge...

It's Just Business

The other shoe in the Ghost drama has dropped. There have been reports that Ghost has gone through as many as 10 members already....


When I sat down to review this, I wasn't sure what there would be to say about an album comprised of live versions of...


Seriously, check out this theme song.


Not many long-in-the-tooth metal bands manage to shake things up this late in their careers, but 25 years after their first album Body Count...