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SUICIDE SILENCE Confirm New Album Will Be 70% Clean Vocals

No auto-tune either.

No auto-tune either.

Suicide Silence will be releasing a new album early next year. So far, our only taste of new music was the band playing their new single "Doris" live at Ozzfest Meets Knotfest back in September.

At the time, some fans were taken aback that the band introduced singing (or clean vocals as some would say) as opposed to exclusive high/low screaming and death growls the band was known for. It looks like the band really hope to branch out on this album, and in a recent interview with Metalshop, bassist Dan Kenny and drummer Alex Lopez revealed there is more clean vocals where that came from:

“There’s clean vocals on seventy percent of the album… when you listen to System of a Down, [Serj Tankian is] screaming and talking and doing himself. When you listen to Marilyn Manson you’re listening to a person… it’s called ‘range,’ it’s called ‘dynamics,’ it’s called ‘fucking go for it’… it’s the first time [vocalist Eddie Hermida] ever been confident enough to do it, but Eddie’s always been a singer… there’s a lot of singing in it, there’s a lot of screaming in it, there’s a lot of everything in it… there’s melody in it.”

Lopez makes it clear that the band won't be relying on auto-tune, but rather frontman Eddie Hermida is an excellent singer and puts those pipes to good use:

“We’re trying to record raw. No click, no samples, everybody jams together in one room… we did the whole record on tape, we used old analog tape and old preamps.”

During the interview, the band said they would be officially releasing their first single next month. We'd assume it'd be "Doris," otherwise why would they play it at Ozzfest right?

As soon as they release the single, we will post it for you here. Watch the entire interview below…


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