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SPIRIT ADRIFT Once Again In The Studio

When does Nate Garrett sleep?

Spirit Adrift 2022

I'm not sure when Spirit Adrift frontman Nate Garrett sleeps, but I'm guessing never. Spirit Adrift released their last album Enlightened in Eternity (and Angel & Abyss Redux EP) in 2020, the Forge Your Future EP in 2021, and 20 Centuries Gone this year featuring some new music and some covers. And guess what Spirit Adrift is up to right now? That's right – recording more music before going on tour.

Spirit Adrift recently revealed they were in the studio with producer Sanford Parker laying down the drum tracks for their forthcoming fifth album. The band has since been in the studio back home in Texas doing the rest, and we're really hoping for a 2023 release. Because when a band can provide both quality and quantity in their music, who wouldn't be stoked? Spirit Adrift rules.

"Drums for LP5 are finished. Thank you to Sanford Parker for always being such a joy to work with, and to Electrical Audio for not only being one of the greatest studios in the world, but for always welcoming us with such warmth and enthusiasm," said Spirit Adrift in an Instagram post. "We've returned to Texas and will finish tracking the rest of the album over the coming weeks."

In the meantime, you can catch Spirit Adrift on the road with Corrosion Of Conformity and The Native Howl at one of the dates below.

11/10 Baton Rouge, LA Chelsea’s Live
11/11 Pensacola, FL Vinyl
11/12 Atlanta, GA The Masquerade (Snowblind Fest)
11/13 Memphis, TN Growlers
11/15 Columbus, OH Ace Of Cups
11/17 Raleign, NC Lincoln Theatre
11/18 Wilmington, DE The Queen
11/19 Laconia, NH Granite State Music Hall
11/20 Reading, PA Reverb
11/22 Flint, MI Machine Shop
11/23 Joliet, IL The Forge
11/25 Louisville, KY Headliners Music Hall
11/26 Pittsburgh, PA Mr. Smalls
11/27 Grand Rapids, MI Pyramid Scheme

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