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MEGADETH Release Super Collider Album Art & Song Snippet

So, we thought we'd seen Megadeth's Super Collider artwork. Apparently we haven't and we'll have to play a game to do so. Plus side is that there's a new song on the landing site!

Megadeth want to play a game. More specifically on, where you'll have to test your memory to reveal the new artwork for the album. It's a pretty cool idea, and at the very least it keeps fans engaged and realizing your on the radar for a release in the coming months. Spoiler: We did the work for you and posted the album art above.

The even better thing about the game is that there's a solid minute or so of a new song on the site called "Don't Turn Your Back," which is surprisingly heavy given the band's usual thrashy mantra (but again, we've done the work for you and embedded it below). Right off the bat it's all double bass drum and chuggy riffs that, if I didn't know were Megadeth by virtue of being on the site, I would have probably not figured that out. So kudos to them for kicking some ass this late in the game, and here's to a potentially awesome album chock full of heavy and memorable tracks!


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