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KREATOR Appears To Be Releasing An Album Called Gods Of Violence

Or Θεοί της βίας, if you wanna be literal.

Or Θεοί της βίας, if you wanna be literal.

Kreator's last album was in 2012, so it's time for some new music! At least we're 99.9% sure it's time for some new music – all signs point toward that. The band had begun posting a photo in Greek that read "Θεοί της βίας" for a web address.

That translates to Gods of Violence in English, and once you go to the site, you're greeted with a video that I can't embed here because it's set to certain privacies.

If my math is right, the countdown at the bottom will end on October 28, at which point pre-orders will become available. So yeah, it's probably a new album, and the teaser sounds pretty good! So that's something to be excited about.

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