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DARKTHRONE Will Record Another New Album In 2025

According to guitarist Nocturno Culto.

Darkthrone fenriz and nocturno
Photo by Peer Olav Kittilsen

Darkthrone has been on a roll lately with new albums – Old Star in 2019, Eternal Hails in 2021, Astral Fortress in 2022, and then It Beckons Us All in 2024. And guess what? There's another one coming in 2025! According to Darkthrone vocalist and guitarist Nocturno Culto, the band is set to record a new record next spring alongside some other Culto-related projects.

"Several albums on the horizon. Darkthrone of course, that will most likely be recorded forthcoming spring," wrote Culto. "New band as well, worked on that since November last year, and something will be released as a teaser next year. A track or two. Now, back to my guitar…."

No word on if Darkthrone is gonna continue down their doom-heavy path, or if they'll switch things up for the next record. Personally, I'm fine with another Doomthrone record – It Beckons Us All wasn't my favorite, but the prior three were damn good.

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